In addition to Our Programs, we specifically provide capacity building and support via our:
VAN Integration Project
The Nebraska Table emphasizes a data-driven approach to advocacy. We train and help each nonprofit member integrate the Voter Access Network (VAN) database into its current advocacy efforts. We provide technical assistance to ensure each member can utilize the database to the best of its ability.
Compliance Support
The Nebraska Table supports nonprofits and their boards in navigating 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) compliance questions through providing technical support, training, and guidance on election, ballot measure, and lobbying compliance. Access to a legal fund is available to bolster nonprofit capacity. The Nebraska Table adheres to strict lobbying limits in this support.
Nonpartisan Voter Registration & Get-Out-the-Vote (GOTV) Campaigns
Nebraska’s nonprofit organizations have developed close, trusted relationships with the community members they serve. Those strong relationships make our nonprofit organizations the best positioned to mobilize their constituencies and underrepresented voters in rural communities and urban neighborhoods. The Nebraska Table works with members to create strategic nonpartisan voter registration and GOTV campaigns across the state.
Organizational Training
The Nebraska Table provide core capacity training for members’ leadership and staff. This includes topics like: nonprofit finances, message development, grassroots canvassing, fundraising, etc.
Community Civic Engagement Training
The Nebraska Table provides opportunities for grassroots activists and community leaders to participate in civic engagement training. Example training could include: the legislative process, citizen lobbying, message development, grassroots canvassing, etc. Our members connect their supporters to these trainings and The Table serves as a conduit to connect activists to its nonprofit members.
Communications Hub
Clear, persuasive, and unified messaging built around poll-tested language will amplify the efficacy of Nebraska Table members’ advocacy efforts. Our communications team provides core communications support to all of its members around: messaging development, media relationships, press lists, social media campaigns, letters to the editor and op-eds, and rapid response action alerts. The Communications Director also offers support to members who do not have communication staff.